Monday, March 22, 2010

That simple word..." Trust" is so complicated

Trust.. Why is it so darn difficult to do? Jesus says to trust Him and I try everyday to focus my heart on that... But sometimes it is a prayer I must repeat, an action I must force myself to accomplish, many times a day. I guess it's so hard and sometimes too time consuming, to even try due to our past experience. I mean who hasn't been hurt in one way or another by "trusting" another person? I know for myself, it's happened many many many times. And I as well, have broken peoples trust in me, many times. I've come to realize it is because we tend to put all our trust in humans, and because we're human, we fail.. All fall short. So we take those past experiences with our friends, parents, lovers, ourselves even, the experiences of broken trusts that caused deep pain, the worst heartaches, and carry them over with us when we come to know God... And of course we have issues trusting Him. These trust issues start so early in our lives sometimes, as babies even, and can continue through our formidable years, so that when we do "grow up", become able to choose to believe in Christ on our own, of course we are going to have trouble trusting Him. He knew that... And He is very patient, and oh so able, to help us through this heart issue. I've found that asking Him daily, sometimes hourly, or minute by minute, to change my heart, to bring it to a place of complete trust, is the only way that I've been able to "change" those old trust issues, re-make those old tapes so to speak, that play in my head. It is a daily re-newing of our minds, of our hearts, surrendering to Him and allowing the Master Potter to re-mold us, to shape us into His image. And the only way I can do that is by drawing nearer to Him. Get to know Him better by reading His love letter to me daily. And who doesn't love a good love letter? His word is His love letter to us.. Once you start putting it in your head daily, finding out His amazing, incomprehensible, extravegant, unconditional and unfailing love for you... Once you allow that to daily penetrate your heart.. And thanking Him for helping you to trust Him...One day you will find your trust issue is not an issue anymore, but the very thing that fills you with complete and utter joy. The kind you've been searching for all your life to fill you, but were never, and will never, be able to be filled by any human, place, thing, drug or drink. Only God can fulfill that spot. Trust Him to do it, keep trusting Him and drawing nearer to Him... Then one day you'll turn around and find it isn't hard at all. And so worth it!
Jesus Calling says this today:
Rejoice and be thankful! As you walk with Me through this day, practice trusting and thanking Me along the way. Trust is the channel through which My Peace flows into you. Thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances. I do My greatest works through people with grateful,
trusting hearts. Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. This is a paradigm that will revolutionize
your life.
Phil 4:4. Psl 95:1-2 Psl 9:10

1 comment:

  1. so glad to see you really dedicating and staying on top of your blogs. I love them. It's really paying off, all that hard work :)
