Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Choose His Eyes

This morning I took a shower while my coffee brewed. In there, letting the grime of yesterday wash away, I felt happy, excited about what the Lord is doing in my life and where He is taking me, what He is revealing to me. But then as I stepped out, feeling all joyful, I look up and what do I see? ME! the mirror is right there, and I made the big mistake of looking at myself, naked, which I try to avoid on a regular basis. There I was, and like usually happens when one of God's own are finding joy and peace thru His eyes, the enemy came flooding in to try and hit me, below the belt so to speak. And what a fine job I let him do. I examined this aging, overweight body and came out of the bathroom loathing myself. Within seconds, I had let my joy, my excitement, my good feelings about where I am in Jesus, just drain right out of me, with one look in the mirror. Talk about a buzz kill. So I got dressed, covering that "stuff" up and telling myself I would do this and that to change my body, same promises I've made a thousand times before, (obviously not working), got my coffee, and with my self worth wounded, I grabbed my little devotional and my bible, and with my head hung low, I sat down to read, all the time thinking, "you should walk first, don't eat today, drink tons of water, maybe but what's the use?" yuk! So with all this crap in my head I took a deep sigh and
prayed, God teach me something today and use me to add to Your Kingdom today.
This is what He said to me (thru Jesus Calling)
I LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE, NOT FOR WHAT YOU DO. ( I could have stopped right there cause that is all I really needed to hear from the Lover of My Soul). Many voices vie for your mind especially when you sit in silence. You must learn to discern what is My voice and what is not. Many of My children run around in circles trying to obey all the voices directing their lives. This results in fragmented frustrating patterns of living. Do not fall into this trap. Walk closely with Me each moment listening for My directives, and enjoying My companionship. Refuse to let other voices tie you up in knots. "My sheep know My voice and they follow Me wherever I lead"
Eph 4:1-6, John 10:4

Was He in the bathroom with me? LOL. Yes!! He heard me listening to the wrong voices as I cut myself down, seeing myself through my eyes instead of His eyes. See my eyes will never see me for all I am. I am only human and I will always see my faults and failures and consequently give up or get depressed about what I see. But when I see me through His eyes I am glorious, radient, worthy. Not that I am walking blindly about what I need to do to lose weight, get healthy, whatever, but that when I see me through His eyes, I have the confidence, joy and love for myself that He sees so I don't just roll up in a little, or big as the case may be, ball of depression and never have the abundant life God has for me (and you)

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