Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thinking thinking thinking

Thoughts of worry pummeled my head first thing this morning. About Alfred, about my finances, about my business, about my living situation... Just EVERYTHING! I dwelt on those thoughts for a moment feeling the anxiety rising inside... Then God gently reminded me, STOP... I am in control of all these things.. Of everything! That's My job, your job is to surrender all those worries, concerns, thoughts to Me. Bring your mind "captive" to My thoughts, My will, My promises... With prayer and supplication and thanksgiving... That is all your job requires you to do Co, I WILL DO THE REST!!!
So I stopped those thoughts, the worry thoughts, and immediatly turned my thoughts to praising and thanking Him for all the good that is happening in my life RIGHT NOW and thanking Him for all He will do in the days ahead. Then I opened up my little devotional and as always, God knew exactly what I would struggle with today...

Jesus Calling says this today "The mind is the most restless and unruly part of mankind. Though My blood has fully redeemed you, your mind is the last bastion of rebellion. Open yourself to My radiant Presence, letting My Light permeate your thinking. When My Spirit is controlling your thoughts, your mind, you are filled with LIFE and PEACE."

He never ceases to amaze each day with His little ways He shows me and confirms to me that Jesus cares about and knows my every thought. He is not to big or too busy for me... Or you. He is here for each and every one of us. Always and forever the same yesterday, today, and forever, that's how awesome our God is and more. He is more and wants to bless each of us more than we can even imagine, or think... That is His JOB. Our job is just to TRUST Him and PRAISE Him. Pretty simple huh? Not always easy, but it gets easier the more you press in, the more you will your mind to line up with the mind of Christ.

Thank you Lord for showing me daily how to trust you more and to surrender all my cares to You. Thank you for making my "job" easier as I daily come to You and just share with You. You are healing me in so many ways I can't even express to you the love in my heart for You. But then, You know it already, but You delight in hearing me express it. So I will, every day, every hour, every minute, continue to line my mind up with Yours Lord and praise YOUR HOLY NAME!  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Co! A word in due season! I thank my God upon every remembrance of you!! Your Mommy loves you...maybe not as much as Jesus does, but I run a close 2nd!! MMMMMwwwwwaaaa!
