Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Resurrection

Today is Easter Sunday and as I'm getting ready to celebrate Jesus' resurrection Im thinking of how He recently "resurrected" me... From last July till about mid february of this year I was in such a deep "funk". I had been rejected by yet another man, I was physically feeling like crap, and I was fixated on "my woes" and troubles. The more my mind turned inward on myself, the more depressed I became. Until I was on such a deep hole I thought I would never get out... In January we had begun reading a little devotional that I've mentioned and blogged on many times here, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. For the first month and a half I didn't really devote myself to reading it, but I kept on trying. Slowly, the more I read it and listened to what Jesus was saying to me.. The more I started to draw closer to Him.. The easier it got to do every day. It was so comforting that I eventually my "forcing" myself to read it every morning became something I looked forward to every morning... That is how something becomes a habit.. As the days went on, and I starting blogging what I was hearing from God every day, pretty soon I realized I was starting to feel sooooo good. I woke up happy in the morning, I woke up feeling physically better each morning... Then it happened!!! I realized I was out of that pit finally, and feeling better than I have in YEARS! I haven't been taking my medications that I have been on for years cause of the prices, can't afford them, and yet I physically feel SO GOOD! there is only one reason for this change, one change in my life I made... I deepened my relationship with the Lord, I got my focus off of me and onto Him and I surrendered my total trust to Jesus. And just like He promises... He delivered me! He RESSURECTED me from the "dead". So today as I get ready to celebrate our Lords ressurection... I am so full of love for Him and His Awesome power to do the same for me... And for you!

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