Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today is National Day of Prayer. I went to a morning and a noon prayer meeting. It was cool to pray with other believers from different churches in Simi. And it was cool to know that thousands and thousands of other believers were praying too. But what really struck me is that our country has come to such a place that we had a lot more issues to pray for... Like the "media" on the Internet and tv and radio. Out children are blasted every day with things we NEVER even heard about when we were kids, and thier innocence is bombarded daily from our new technology. In order to preserve their innocence we'd have to lock them in a room with just about nothing in it. So it's up to us to pray for our children, to teach them values and morals. And when your children are grown, it's up to us to continue praying for them and thier children... Because this world is not getting better... It's getting worse. And i think that it is the body of Christ in America and their prayers that has kept Gods grace on this Country. When Gods people give up, stop standing up to the forces of darkness and become compliant and apethetic... The enemy has a field day, as is evident in today's world. We MUST continue to pray and speak up while we are able to here in America. Because it's that mind set of "that will NEVER happen here in America" in Gods people, so we don't speak out, we don't vote, we don't PRAY against immorality, that has allowed our country to get to what we see today. That and the mind set of those who fight against God and His people, that NEVER stops fighting for their agenda, that NEVER gives up to get their beliefs into our schools, our media, our families, and they're winning the battle folks. Because we've GIVEN IN, GIVEN UP! You know, the National Day of Prayer almost got cancelled this year by our "President". Doing anything in the white house for it this year DID get cancelled this year. That's why, while we still can, we need to PUBLICLY stand up, speak out, and pray for our Nation. And for God's GRACE to remain on us. God Bless America!

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