Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Someones going home

I think God is going to take someone close to me home soon. Or maybe a couple of my
loved ones... First of all, my Great Aunty Dory, whom I got my extraordinary middle name, Anythe, from (pronounced a neeth). She is in her 80s and sick and tired of being sick and tired. She just wants to go home to be with Uncle Carl... She has stopped taking her
medications to facilitate this.. Which concerns me.... I understand her feelings though and although I will miss her, I respect her wishes to go from here. Then there is Alfred, my friend Fumiko's husband, that had a stroke three years ago and is totally incapacitated but has full presence of his mind. I sit with him 3 times a week for almost two years now and have become so attached to him. He has been battling infections off and on for months now and the only thing the doctor does is just put him on one antibiotic after another. I truly beleive that those are what's making him sicker but all I can do is try to be his voice, his advocate, and then pray. Since he can't tell us where it hurts or what he's feeling, it is so hard to know. And he is getting very tired of feeling sick and laying in that bed 24/7. I can see it in his eyes. He is giving up. And I certainly wouldn't want to live like that, and I know he doesn't. So I understand if he wanted to go "home", his heavenly home. Sometimes I feel horrible for thinking it... But it would almost be the best thing for him. But Fumiko would be devastated! She keeps believing he is going to be totally healed and come back home like normal... And while I don't doubt God could do that if He wanted to... I also am being realistic about the situation. But I don't give up praying and hoping for his total healing. Then last, but certainly not least, there is my Papa... He has emphysema and congestive heart failure, and has come back from being "dead" a few year back now... But he is bad again and so frustrated with doctors, whom he hated already. But like Alfred, he was an active man... Fishing, working, doing, all the time. And now, he can't even walk to the dining room from the living room without getting short of breath. And that alone is killing him! He wants the doctors to keep him on steroids even though they may shorten his life span, because he says he would rather feel good for a couple more years, than to feel horrible for a lot more years. I'm mixed on this "pending" loss though... He's my DAD. No one wants to lose their parents... Even though we all know it is going to happen sooner or later... We all wan the much later option on this one. I DONT want him to die yet!! Is that selfish? I don't care!
The bottom line in all this is this... It's all in Gods Hands! Whether they are "saved" or not I definitly care about that... But I also beleive, no, I KNOW God gives us all that last breath moment to accept Him, to go home with Him. The Word says... "God wishes that NO ONE should perish, but have everlasting life." So I know My Redeemer can redeem even the most hardened heart at the last moment if He chooses. And I beleive He does. So if I lose anyone these people, I will be totally sad, even devastated for a time... But not
destroyed. Because my HOPE, my TRUST and my STRENGTH is in GOD.
Thanks you Lord for caring for us all even though none of us deserve it... But through your Son, the Perfect Sacrifice, You can look on us as clean and holy, so we can be allowed to go home with You when it's our time.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Co! I know YOU, so well, and I know that this came from your heart. Not easy to write these words, but thank you for doing so. I'm certain there are some out there who will read it, and it will resonate in their own heart. God has given you a unique ministry, because you are speaking to women who, either don't know Christ yet, or are new to the Family of God. They understand what you are saying because it is not so "churchy" sounding, but is REAL, you are living in REAL TIME to them, experiencing the same things they are, and you are telling them Who can help them get through their pain, Who can lift them out of the pit they are in, or have just recently come out of. Jesus had anointed you, equipped you for "such a time as this". And, I am so glad you are stepping out in faith to do what you have been called to do! God bless you, my sweet Daughter!
